Audience grows


A political satire. A cosmic Love story.

A scientist undergoes a metamorphosis and changes into the image and consciousness of other people, including Jesus Christ, resulting in him forever doubting his science.

This blog will make no sense except to those invited to read random segments and chapters at random times.

If you happen to stumble across this blog, feel free to leave a comment, share or like. Segments will be edited and deleted at random so it will offer no continuity. Most posts will be deleted within 48 hours

Peace out. Enjoy your random walk  though this journey called life.


86 thoughts on “About

    1. “I feel, therefore I exist.” I’m going with this at the moment as proof of my existence. But if an ATOM is probably here, where does that leave us? Thanks for reading. Check into my occasional posts once in awhile and read the story. I have a post up now about Akira.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Really, the new interface is just horrible. This isn't even a case of "I'm not used to it" or "I'm resistant to change." Change is usually a good thing in my opinion. However, I can safely say that the new Youtube is just downright bad.Furthermore, I really don't see why the 5 star rating system was replaced with a "like" and &qkit;dosliue" button. It was a logical standard, and it worked fine as it was.Please, Youtube. Read what everyone is saying. Nobody likes this change. Please change it back.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Urban. I’ve been meditation on the direction of my new post…it should be up by the end of the week. A little behind schedule, but ‘twil do. I appreciate you egging me on! Very inspiring to me! Thanks!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Leggevo Bradbury (e Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Huxley…) e la mia insegnante di lettere mi guardava dall'alto al basso: "non dovresti perdere tempo con quei gi;utetli&qlota.Gialletti.N.A.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. skriver:Trackback Prrnsity…faotaitic put up, very informative. I ponder why the opposite experts of this sector don’t understand this. You should continue your writing. I am confident, you have a huge readers’ base already!…

    Liked by 3 people

  3. George, thank you for visiting my blog Bobbing Around, and leaving the first comment on my interview with Rajat Mitra.
    This quote is very true:
    “There’s scientific evidence that we don’t really exist.”
    Actually, the whole material universe doesn’t exist, but is a projection of the real Universe, Who is life energy. I know, because a character in one of my stories has said so.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. You get the email from my IRL address?
        I picked up and am reading a Nora Roberts (yeah, don’t ask) novel Year One. You might want to review that one too. It’s pop-dysto-fiction, but, once you get past the pointless “this person dies and means little to the story so why talk about what they had for breakfast?” parts, it picks up quickly and so far, is engaging.

        The reason I mention it is, first off, it’s about a virus (with woowoo) that transforms some folks into Homo-Extenso. But it kills 99% of the others. And 2nd, the style might lend it self to your writing mode. There’s a fair amount of info dump.
        And lo, the people died by the billions, and the authorities rounded up survivors for experiments, and the superdupers escaped into the wilds.

        Finding someone to emulate, who’s popular, seems wise. I’m reading it with a mind to change/understand my own use of how information (lots of it) gets into the minds of readers.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks for the referral. Will order. Year One. Did not receive email. Put your ANONY MOLE on subject line and try again. If not received, I have another email that goes straight to my cell phone. Thanks!


      1. I hope you can post the award on your blog too and answer the questions I prepared for you. You deserve it. Congratulations 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yayyy I’m excited to read your new blog post! I hope this time you don’t delete it so I can reread it over and over again. Hihi

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Haha will write more of her probably tomorrow. Still contemplating whether I should nurture the possible serious relationship or not and if i should end it on a positive or negative note. I don’t know yet lol. What do you think?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Go totally negative, evil, selfish and own it. That’s what makes Psychoweirdo so powerful. Just her name tells the reader she is proud of who she is, and she needs no excuses!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Apple Rae: Would you like me to include a selfie on my next blog post? You might find me a perfect match for…PsychoWeirdo!!! Also, when I write again about Akira, I want to see who can write the most evil female character…you…or me…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi 🙂

    I hope you don’t mind me reaching out in a comment — I couldn’t find a way to contact you privately (you can always delete this comment…)

    I noticed that your Gravatar doesn’t link to your blog. This makes it more difficult for others to find you. Please take a look at my blog post linked below, which explains the easy steps you can take to fix this 🙂

    Happy blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I follow you and your story! I am randomly inserting that here because you mentioned on Mr H’s bloggy that you only have one follower and reader. Well excuse me!!!! I know I am not as present as some of your older friends but I love your writing so there! I was away for a while. It was difficult to say the least bit I am.bakx and actually…I may be posting something a little spicy today. Why suppress what screams to be released?
    Much love from Fiery me

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yep. Do it Goerge. Funny, you know.. my first love and best friend in the world ,who I met at the tender age of 14 and fell in love with slowly over four years until we first missed when I was 18, was called George. He was my truest friend in the world. My first … to speak. Just saying, when I see your name, it reminds me of him. So thank you

        Liked by 1 person

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